Filed by Sizzle Acquisition Corp.
Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933, and
deemed filed pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Commission File No. 001-41005

Subject Company:
Critical Metals Corp.
Commission File No. 132-02858


European Lithium Limited (ASX: EUR) filed an announcement with the Australian Securities Exchange (the “ASX”) on January 23, 2024, which was subsequently posted on the ASX. The announcement by EUR to the ASX is contained below:


ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Januaíy 2024 32 Haííogate Stíeet, West Leedeíville, WA 6007 P +61 8 6181 9792 E info@euí ASX: EUR euí NASDAQ Listing Update HIGHLIGHľS Special Meeting of Sizzle’s stockholdeís to appíove the píoposed business combination with Cíitical Metals Coíp (Cíitical Metals oí CRML) íescheduled to be held on 31 Januaíy 2024 Requested delay to accommodate potential stíategic investoís. Euíopean Lithium Limited (ASX : EUR, FRA : PF 8 , OľC : EULIF) ( Euíopean Lithium oí the Company ) advises that Sizzle Acquisition Coíp, a publicly tíaded special puípose acquisition company (Nasdaq : SZZL) ( Sizzle ), has filed with the U . S . Secuíities and Exchange Commission (the SEC ) an extension íelating to the special meeting of Sizzle stockholdeís to vote on the appíoval and adoption of the business combination agíeement foí the ľíansaction, and íelated píoposals . ľhe meeting píeviously scheduled to be held on 23 Januaíy 2024 has been íescheduled to be held on 31 Januaíy 2024 at 10 : 00 a . m . Easteín ľime . Sizzle’s stockholdeís of íecoíd as of the close of business on 26 Decembeí 2023 aíe entitled to vote at the special meeting . ľhe Company is evaluating investments fíom stíategic paítneís to close with the Cíitical Metals NASDAQ Listing . On 26 Octobeí 2022 , Euíopean Lithium announced that it has enteíed into a business combination agíeement with Sizzle puísuant to which EUR will combine its wholly owned Wolfsbeíg Lithium Píoject ( Wolfsbeíg Píoject ) with Sizzle via a newly - foímed, lithium exploíation and development company named Cíitical Metals Coíp ( Cíitical Metals ) which is expected to be listed on NASDAQ undeí the symbol “CRML” ( ľíansaction ) . ľhe ľíansaction is expected to be completed as soon as píacticable following the conclusion of the special meeting of Sizzle stockholdeís to vote on the appíoval and adoption of the business combination agíeement foí the ľíansaction (assuming the satisfaction oí waiveí of the otheí conditions to closing as set foíth in the business combination agíeement) . Following completion of the ľíansaction, EUR will be issued US $ 750 million woíth of oídinaíy shaíes in CRML . ľhis announcement has been appíoved foí íelease on ASX by the Boaíd of Diíectoís . ľhis announcement is intended to lift the tíading halt of EUR íequested on 19 Januaíy 2024 . – END –



U.S. Secuíities Law Legends Additional Infoímation and Wheíe to Ïind It ľhis píess íelease is píovided foí infoímational puíposes only and contains infoímation with íespect to the píoposed business combination (the “Píoposed Business Combination”) among Sizzle Acquisition Coíp. (Nasdaq: SZZL) (“Sizzle”), Euíopean Lithium Ltd. (ASX: EUR) (“Euíopean Lithium”), Euíopean Lithium Aľ (Investments) Limited, a company foímed in the Bíitish Viígin Islands which is wholly owned by Euíopean Lithium (“EUR BVI”), and ceítain otheí paíties foímed in connection with the tíansactions contemplated by the meígeí agíeement (the “Meígeí Agíeement”), including Cíitical Metals Coíp. (“Cíitical Metals”) and Píoject Wolf Meígeí Sub Inc., a Delawaíe coípoíation and wholly owned subsidiaíy of Cíitical Metals. Subject to its teíms and conditions, the Meígeí Agíeement píovides that Sizzle and EUR BVI will become wholly owned subsidiaíies of Cíitical Metals. In connection with the Píoposed Business Combination, Cíitical Metals has filed a íegistíation statement on Foím F - 4 with the Secuíities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which includes a píoxy statement to be sent to Sizzle stockholdeís and a píospectus foí the íegistíation of Cíitical Metals secuíities in connection with the Píoposed Business Combination (as amended fíom time to time, the “Registíation Statement”). ľhe definitive píoxy statement/píospectus and otheí íelevant documents will be mailed to the stockholdeís of Sizzle as of the Recoíd Date foí voting on the Píoposed Business Combination as set foíth in such píoxy statement/píospectus and will contain impoítant infoímation about the Píoposed Business Combination and íelated matteís. Stockholdeís of Sizzle and otheí inteíested peísons aíe advised to íead, when available, these mateíials (including any amendments oí supplements theíeto) and any otheí íelevant documents, because they will contain impoítant infoímation about Sizzle, Cíitical Metals, Euíopean Lithium and EUR BVI and the Píoposed Business Combination. Stockholdeís and otheí inteíested peísons will also be able to obtain copies of the definitive píoxy statement/píospectus and otheí íelevant mateíials in connection with the Píoposed Business Combination, without chaíge, at the SEC’s website at oí by diíecting a íequest to: Sizzle Acquisition Coíp., 4201 Geoígia Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20011, Attn: Steve Salis, Chief Executive Officeí. ľhe infoímation contained on, oí that may be accessed thíough, the websites íefeíenced in this píess íelease in each case is not incoípoíated by íefeíence into, and is not a paít of, this píess íelease. Paíticipants in the Solicitation ľhis píess íelease is not a solicitation of a píoxy fíom any investoí oí secuíityholdeí. Sizzle, Euíopean Lithium, Cíitical Metals and EUR BVI and theií íespective diíectoís and executive officeís may be deemed paíticipants in the solicitation of píoxies fíom Sizzle’s stockholdeís in connection with the Píoposed Business Combination. Sizzle’s stockholdeís and otheí inteíested peísons may obtain, without chaíge, moíe detailed infoímation íegaíding the diíectoís and officeís of Sizzle in Sizzle’s Foím 10 - K filed with the SEC on Maích 28, 2023, Sizzle’s definitive píoxy statement filed with the SEC on Januaíy 17, 2023 and Sizzle’s definitive píoxy statement filed with the SEC on July 17, 2023 and Decembeí 28, 2023. ľo the extent that holdings of Sizzle’s secuíities by íelevant íepoíting peísons such as officeís oí diíectoís as applicable, have changed since the amounts included in Sizzle’s Foím 10 - K, oí píoxy statements, such changes have been oí will be íeflected on Statements of Change in Owneíship on Foím 4 filed with the SEC. Infoímation íegaíding the peísons who may, undeí SEC íules, be deemed paíticipants in the solicitation of píoxies to Sizzle’s stockholdeís in connection with the Píoposed Business Combination is set foíth in the píoxy statement/píospectus foí the Píoposed Business Combination, accompanying the Registíation Statement. Additional infoímation íegaíding the inteíests of paíticipants in the solicitation of píoxies in connection with the Píoposed Business Combination is likewise included in that Registíation Statement. You may obtain fíee copies of these documents as descíibed above. No Offeí oí Solicitation ľhis píess íelease is not a píoxy statement oí solicitation of a píoxy, consent oí authoíization with íespect to any secuíities oí in íespect of the Píoposed Business Combination and shall not constitute ASX: EUR | euí



an offeí to sell oí a solicitation of an offeí to buy any secuíities, oí a solicitation of any vote oí appíoval, noí shall theíe be any sale of secuíities in any state oí juíisdiction in which such offeí, solicitation, oí sale would be unlawful píioí to íegistíation oí qualification undeí the secuíities laws of any such state oí juíisdiction. No offeí of secuíities shall be made except by means of a píospectus meeting the íequiíements of the Secuíities Act of 1933, as amended, oí an exemption theíefíom. Cautionaíy Note Regaíding Ïoíwaíd - Looking Statements ľhis píess íelease contains foíwaíd - looking statements within the meaning of the “safe haíboí” píovisions of the Píivate Secuíities Litigation Refoím Act of 1995. Sizzle’s, Cíitical Metals’, and Euíopean Lithium’s and/oí EUR BVI’s actual íesults may diffeí fíom theií expectations, estimates and píojections and consequently, you should not íely on these foíwaíd - looking statements as píedictions of futuíe events. Foíwaíd - looking statements include statements conceíning plans, objectives, goals, stíategies, futuíe events oí peífoímance, and undeílying assumptions and otheí statements that aíe otheí than statements of histoíical facts. No íepíesentations oí waííanties, expíess oí implied aíe given in, oí in íespect of, this píess íelease. When we use woíds such as “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “píoject,” “estimate” oí similaí expíessions that do not íelate solely to histoíical matteís, it is making foíwaíd - looking statements. ľhese foíwaíd - looking statements and factoís that may cause actual íesults to diffeí mateíially fíom cuííent expectations include, but aíe not limited to: the futuíe financial peífoímance of Cíitical Metals; the gíowing global maíket demand foí lithium - ion batteíies and theií íaw mateíial; Cíitical Metals’ liquidity íequiíements and capital íesouíces; the ability of the paíties to complete the tíansactions contemplated by the Píoposed Business Combination in a timely manneí oí at all; the íisk that the Píoposed Business Combination oí otheí business combination may not be completed by Sizzle’s business combination deadline and the potential failuíe to obtain an extension of the business combination deadline; the outcome of any legal píoceedings oí goveínment oí íegulatoíy action on inquiíy that may be instituted against Sizzle, Euíopean Lithium oí EUR BVI oí otheís following the announcement of the Píoposed Business Combination and any definitive agíeements with íespect theíeto; the inability to satisfy the conditions to the consummation of the Píoposed Business Combination, including the appíoval of the Píoposed Business Combination by the stockholdeís of Sizzle; the occuííence of any event, change oí otheí ciícumstance that could give íise to the teímination of the Meígeí Agíeement íelating to the Píoposed Business Combination; the ability to meet stock exchange listing standaíds following the consummation of the Píoposed Business Combination; the effect of the announcement oí pendency of the Píoposed Business Combination on Euíopean Lithium’s and EUR BVI’s business íelationships, opeíating íesults, cuííent plans and opeíations of Euíopean Lithium and EUR BVI; the ability to íecognize the anticipated benefits of the Píoposed Business Combination, which may be affected by, among otheí things, competition, the ability of Cíitical Metals to gíow and manage gíowth píofitably; the possibility that Cíitical Metals, Euíopean Lithium and EUR BVI may be adveísely affected by otheí economic, business, and/oí competitive factoís; Cíitical Metals’, Euíopean Lithium’s and EUR BVI’s estimates of expenses and píofitability; expectations with íespect to futuíe opeíating and financial peífoímance and gíowth, including the timing of the completion of the Píoposed Business Combination; Euíopean Lithium’s and Cíitical Metals’ ability to execute on theií business plans and stíategy; those factoís discussed in Sizzle’s Annual Repoít on Foím 10 - K foí the yeaí ended Decembeí 31, 2022 undeí the heading “Risk Factoís,” and otheí documents Sizzle has filed, oí will file, with the SEC; and otheí íisks and unceítainties descíibed fíom time to time in filings with the SEC. ľhe foíegoing list of factoís is not exhaustive. You should caíefully consideí the foíegoing factoís and the otheí íisks and unceítainties descíibed in the “Risk Factoís” section of the Registíation Statement íefeíenced above and otheí documents filed by Sizzle and Cíitical Metals fíom time to time with the SEC. ľhese filings identify and addíess otheí impoítant íisks and unceítainties that could cause actual events and íesults to diffeí mateíially fíom those contained in the foíwaíd - looking statements. Foíwaíd - looking statements speak only as of the date they aíe made. ľheíe may be additional íisks that neitheí Sizzle noí Euíopean Lithium and EUR BVI píesently know, oí that Sizzle and Euíopean Lithium and/oí EUR BVI cuííently believe aíe immateíial, that could cause actual íesults to diffeí fíom those contained in the foíwaíd - looking statements. Foí these íeasons, among otheís, investoís and ASX: EUR | euí



otheí inteíested peísons aíe cautioned not to place undue íeliance upon any foíwaíd - looking statements in this píess íelease. Neitheí Sizzle, Euíopean Lithium, Cíitical Metals noí EUR BVI undeítakes any obligation to publicly íevise these foíwaíd – looking statements to íeflect events oí ciícumstances that aíise afteí the date of this píess íelease, except as íequiíed by applicable law. ASX: EUR | euí